2024 Analog Cycles 4x4 Ride: June 8th
Register for the ride, camping and tacos here!
The 6th annual Analog 4x4 features four (4) Class 4 roads, 40 miles. The ride will feature some of the SKOV (Southwest Kingdom of Vermont’s) most scenic gravel riding. Plus ya know, Class 4 roads. Poultney’s road maintenance budget is basically non-existent, so our class 4 roads are wonderfully terrible. Expect wash outs, ‘gravel’ the size of GMO grapefruits, steep grades and wonderful views. The ride weaves in and out of the woods and farm lands. Plenty of climbing but lots of great eye candy, like cows and red barns, and a very cold river.
The 4x4 is about fun, so there’s pre-ride espresso, post and mid ride beers, swimming in the really cold river, camping, a chill group ride pace, and lots of stopping for photos and the like. It's the opposite of a Gravel Enduro, in other words. Hang out at Analog's old HQ in the woods after the ride for a bonfire and super good tacos from our friends at the Poultney Pub. There's camping on premise and nearby if you wanna dial it up a bit.
Casual pace, don’t bring your racer outfit. Crocs > Clipless. Register here!