Many of the images on this site were shot with a 1960’s Pentax lens. I don’t own a camera made between 1990-2015, because they’ve all broken, and I had to throw them out. Most of us dispose of phones yearly, but until I recently lost my landline, I answered the phone on a rotary phone that was 60 years old. It was made well. It felt good in the hand. It was fun to dial. You could club an intruder with it.
It’s easy to come across as a luddite when you say things like: cheap hand saws used to be works of art, and now they are garbage. But it’s often true, and there’s no denying it. The problem is, if you admit to that as truth then you also admit to how ugly and disposable most things we interact with are.
There is no reason, except profits, why handsaws today have plastic handles rather than ones made of scrolled wood. And there is no reason to make bikes out of plastic, or make components that have a short shelf life and are non-repairable. No reason, except of course, money.